“I was born and raised in New York City, the boroughs of Manhattan, and then the Bronx in my later years. By the time I reached 24, I realized that I could not continue living in the concrete city as the energies were stifling my spiritual growth. My spirit guides would tell me that I needed to live around some greenery. Being that I was still young, I decided to move me and my eight-year-old daughter to New Jersey as this is where I had family. Twenty-one years later I still maintain residence in New Jersey planning to move to greener surroundings and a warmer climate in the future.”
Innovative and progressive, Aladokun is known as a wonderful spiritual teacher and advisor, guiding many to a better position in life. In addition, she is committed to and knows that healing is required on all levels: spirit, mind, and body. And because people gravitate toward different healing modalities, Aladokun has expanded her spiritual scope to include bodywork and sound therapies; giving people other ways to bring spiritual balance and wellness into their lives.
As a Licensed Massage Therapist and a Certified Sound Therapist, Aladokun is able to use her intuitive psychic abilities, the Àṣe of Obatala (power, light and healing) upon those who suffer physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and energetically.
She says, “Today, people are under great stress and they need all the help that they can get. If I can give someone relief through massage, bodywork, and/or sound therapy vs. ritual work then I’m still doing what I was born to do.”
She is dedicated to her spiritual studies and has a compassionate commitment to knowledge and understanding of her culture. She continues to share her vision; promoting the education of mind, body, and spirit through the inspiration of articles, poetry, prayer, rituals, veneration, health, and healing.
Aladokun provides successful divination and energy work services to people with all sorts of problems and has a great deal of respect in her field of expertise.
Aladokun is a priestess of Lukumi/ Yoruba religion and has practiced spiritualism for over twenty years. She has been initiated into several mysteries, including Hand of Ifa and Palo Mayombe. She was initiated in August 2000 in Havana, Cuba, crowned Obatala. She holds several healing certificates: Usui Reiki Master Teacher, a Certified Intuitive Counselor of the National Spiritualist Association, and Ordained as a Spiritualist Minister.
“I was raised in the Baptist church and as a teenager I would have what I thought were coincidences of seeing and knowing what would happen before it happened. I didn’t pay much attention to it at all – just thought it was weird. I didn’t know anything about spirits or the spirit world nor did I believe in it. It wasn’t until I lived on my own at 19 years old with my daughter in a Bronx New York apartment that I learned the existence of spirits and their influence.
By the time I reached 21, my life turned in a bad way; all kinds of negative things happened to me. I had no clue what was going on. One summer day, I was having a conversation with one of my neighbors, telling her what I was going through and that’s when she explained that I needed spiritual help and she introduced me to her spiritual godmother, a spiritualist, known as an “espiritista”. Her spiritual work included card readings, spiritual baths, dressed candles, rituals, and she performed séances.
This was a totally new experience for me and this is when I learned that my life was being spiritually manipulated and that I was being attacked by all sorts of negative energies coming from a variety of sources. This was the beginning of my spiritual journey and although I was not searching for any kind of spiritual awareness, a twist of fate and a series of events led me down the path of becoming an initiated, practicing priestess of ancestor and Òrìsà/nature veneration, Lukumi/Yoruba religion.
I was taught by my first godmother how to do card readings, make spiritual baths, candles, and perform rituals myself; something that I have been passionate about for over 20 years.
Because of my past negative experiences, I have made it my mission to teach and help others to spiritually empower themselves; hence I wrote the book, “Ancestor Paths – Honoring our Ancestors and Guardian Spirits Through Prayers, Rituals & Offerings” and I instruct the APS Mediumship and Psychic Development classes. Many things happened to me because I was naïve, undiscerning, and didn’t know that I needed to protect myself. I was un-empowered and susceptible to spiritual attacks on many levels. Don’t let this be you!
We are all responsible for taking care of our own minds, bodies, and souls whether we know how to do it or not. You must learn to take care of yourself but at the same time, you must be careful of the many fake and/or inexperienced spiritualists who can mislead you, intentional or unintentional.
I created this site just for you, Aladokun’s Haven, as a safe and trusted place to get honest and valid spiritual information, powerful products, and services that will help bring spiritual balance and wellness into your life.”