Luxury short-term accommodations in Cherbruke. Welcome to your home away from home.


It is fact that in nature only the strong survives.  For some reason, many people forget that they are apart of nature and are bound to the same natural principles and laws as animals in the wild.  Think to yourself, what happens in the wild?  The stronger and more powerful animal will seek out the weak and vulnerable. When an animal knows that it is weak it will surround itself with the herd of stronger kin that can protect it.  However, the majority of humans do the opposite – they become weak and miserable and surround themselves with more “miserables” just to make themselves feel better.  In the mortal world, the powerful trample over the weak and less fortunate in society just like in the wild.  The only difference is that mortals become greedy and want more than they need (more power, more money, more status) whereas the animals in the wild will only take (eat) what they need.

In the wild, there’s an opportunity for all species to naturally flourish because there’s no greed and there’s an ecological balance.  In the world of man, the only ones that flourish are those who fight to do so against greedy power mongers.  Just as there are no excuses or fairness in the wild – there’s no fairness in life for us mortal beings.  As far as the universe is concerned — all is equal and neutral. How to survive is up to you.  I’ve learned that it is neglectful to leave your life to chance. It is neglectful to leave yourself and your family unprotected. Every strong nation or community have ways to protect itself from what we call “terrorist”. Why are you any different? Your body, mind, spirit, home, family, and possessions must be protected not just from “mortal thugs” but from “spiritual bullies” who love to attack and terrorize others using spiritual tools and methods. This means that it is imperative that you invest in yourself and do whatever it takes to spiritually secure and protect your life and the lives of your family, materially and spiritually. Whether you like it or not - it is what it is.  DO NOT LET ANOTHER DAY PASS YOU BY IN A WEAKENED STATE.

If you choose the lesser road, try to play small, or give up, the universe will overlook you and allow you to be eaten and taken out of the life equation.  Do not settle for victimization!  You must fight for yourself and your family–fight to get on top.  This does not mean to compete with the “Elite” or those out of your league.  Nor does it mean to abuse spiritual powers or to mistreat others. It means to get control of your life within your own household, community, and relationship circles.  If you settle for being weak you will get trampled, you will get taken advantage of, you will be viewed as unimportant, disrespected, and you will become food (victimized).  So what will you choose?

It’s all in your hands to do so.  The power is within you to make the necessary changes in your life by whatever means necessary.  In today’s time, we must stand strong and work hard to bring positive and prosperous changes in our lives or we will be eaten like prey. 

This may sound strong and I’m not a harsh person but the world is.  It’s no joke trying to survive each day.  I’ve learned that the universe rewards those who are courageous so I had to take a stronger stand in my own life and now I ask you to do the same.  YOU have to think, look around, and see the truth of what’s happening in the world.  No one is going to SAVE YOU.  YOU have to SAVE YOURSELF.  Nothing will change unless YOU change it.  Nothing will move unless YOU move it.  I learned this the hard way.



Continue to visit Aladokun’s Haven as a trusted place to get honest and valid spiritual information, powerful products and services that will help you to become stronger, balanced, and bring overall wellness into your life.


The Attic Loft

Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. 

The Woodhouse

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo.

The Country Annex

Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Donec id elit non mi porta.



The Woodhouse in Cherbruke was the perfect vacation home. The service is unparalleled. Thank you for making our experience spectacular!”