Everything in the Universe Has An Affect on the Human Body through the Aura
Negative Energies Attached to the Human through the Energy Anatomy (Aura) thus Effecting the Body, Mind and Spirit
The Spirits and the Universe view Humans AS VIBRATIONS THAT CAN BE SEEN AS COLOR.
All of your thoughts, words, feelings (emotions), and actions show up as color in your aura (electro magnetic field). EVERY LIFETIME IS RECORDED IN THE AURA.
The health of your cells, blood, tissue, organs, disease, or sickness will also show up as colors visible in the aura.
“The aura is the energetic emanation of perispiritual fluids that extends beyond the boundaries of the physical organism and is joined by energy extracted from the vital fluid. As man is constituted by billions of cells, and each cell emits radiation, the total radiation, which is produced, can be described as an “energetic field”. This field is continually modified by the Spirit’s thoughts and by the conjugation of physio-psychochemical forces, which participate in the formation of the so-called human aura.
Every aura is unique to each individual. The aura as interpenetrates and surrounds the physical body can present colors. The variety of colors depends on the Spirit’s level of evolvement. They vary from dark gray to black for Spirits inclined to inferior passions or evil tendencies, or to great brightness for those who have already achieved a higher level of evolvement.
2. The Chakras or Center of Forces.
The perispirit is composed of layers of fluids in different stages of condensation, which allows it to act as mediator between spirit and matter. The layers close to the Spirit are composed of more ethereal fluids whereas those closer to the physical body are more condensed. The regions where there is a greater condensation of the perispirit are those known as “chakras”, and it is there that the spiritual fluids are absorbed. These spiritual fluids are then transformed into vital fluids when absorbed by the physical body. The word chakra means, “wheel” in Sanskrit.
The Chakras or Centers of Force are accumulators and distributors of spiritual power, they are located in the perispirit, and they have equivalent centers that correspond directly with the main human plexus.
In the common person, the Chakras or Centers of Force present themselves like a wheel of more or less 1.969 inch of diameter, almost without shine. In the man of high spiritual life, they present themselves as a luminous and fulgent vortex.
The main Centers of Force are located in the perispirit into anatomical regions correspondent to the regions of physical body.
“In the perispirit, we possess all the equipment of automatic resources which control the billions microscopic entities at service of the intelligence, in the circles of action in that we protract. These resources have slowly obtained by the being, into millennia of efforts and recapitulation, into manifold sectors of the spiritual activity, as soon as according to the functional activities of the organs that are associated to the worldly physiology, in to it we identify the Centers of Force.”
The base of the works of passes is centered in the knowledge of those Chakras and in the real application of the radiant energies.
They distribute, control, and dose the energies which our body requires; they regulate, sustain the feelings and the emotions; they feed the cells of the thought; they take away the sensations of the physical body to the Spirit; they capture the energies and the external influences.
In the process of irradiation for the passes transmitted to the other ones, for the mechanism of our will, the load of vital force that we dispose to donate.
That energy or vitalized force, that we donate and that it is distributed by the Centers of Force comes of the Universal Cosmic Fluid. When it is absorbed, it is metabolized by the coronal or crown chakra, in spiritual fluid, energy vitalized, indispensable for the dynamics of our physical body, feelings, emotions and thoughts.
After the metabolism, that energy circulates for the other Centers of Force, and it is canalized through the nervous net for the whole organism with large or less intensity, in agreement with the creature’s emotional state, because they are subordinated to the impulses of the mind.” Website