When a yara yara is prescribed, it is usually done before the elder performs a ritual or makes a talisman but this may not be the case every time. When a yara yara is prescribed during divination, it is the spirit world making the recommendation thIt will depend on the reason you’ve requested a divination or ritual to be done.
The yara yara sets things in motion so that spiritual forces will begin working for you in general or on a specific issue. The spirit(s) working with the yara yara starts working to bring your intentions/desires to reality.
💠 Example: Think of your life from birth to present as a cup or a battery being filled. Some people have batteries that are drained and things in life are not working the way they want. Other people's battery has some life but not enough energy/force to push their life forward or to bring their dreams to reality. Each day we use a little energy from our battery/cup of life but there are times when we use a lot of energy when we have to fight to protect our lives, when we interact with people and they are vampiric or when we have to deal with stressful situations. So, whatever energy is available in our cup, we use to get through each moment. And for many people there battery/cup of life is empty/drained and they struggle to make it through. Therefore, we need to do spiritual things to replenish our battery and to fill our cup. The more spiritual things that we do, correctly, the quicker our battery/cup of life fills. However, there is no way to know how much it will take or how much spiritual work has to be done to replenish your battery or your cup of life. That’s why spirituality becomes a way of life. We have to work, constantly, to keep our cups full.
Prince explains that a yara yara is an update to your spiritual life. It will help your star to shine brighter. It also gives you strength, protection and good luck. Yara yara’s may seem small, but in the eyes of spirit, it is very BIG because this is what they like.
Yara yara is ONE way we replenish the battery and work toward filling our cups. Our lives are complicated and as I previously mentioned, we don't know how much work is needed to make the cup overflow.
Yara yara is how we feed the spirits walking with you, the spirits of nature, or the people that the yara yara is given to. When you give a yara yara to children you are really feeding the spirits that walk with the children at the same time you are physically feeding the community. Or when you give yara yara to an old man, you are also giving to the spirits that walk with that man. Yara yaras are also given to trees, rivers, roads, or ant mounds.
Yara yara can work fast or slow depending on the complexity of what's going on with you.
The elders are very clear that you must trust in this process and the work being done. Doubt kills. Live in the knowing that all will and must work in your favor.
The elders are also clear that if you do a ritual and you begin to have doubts then you are your own enemy and you slow down the progress of all that's being done. Negative thinking and negative self talk will work against the spirits that are trying to help you. So, watch your thoughts and self talk carefully.
👀 Once you do yara yara, you must pay attention to your life very well. You have to be aware of any changes no matter how small or subtle.
Changes can be a difference in how people see you or how they interact with you. It can be as small as someone giving you a complement when they never did that before. It can be someone showing their appreciation.
You can feel more at peace or calmer. Things are less chaotic around you. The change can be anything so pay attention.
Remember to record your dreams.
Yara yaras have been done for a number of reasons:
For victory over enemies.
To spoil plots of the enemy.
To increase chances for job/employee selection.
For increased opportunities in one’s life.
For harmony in relationships.
To increase finances.
To gain favor from others.
To win in a competitive situation.
To avert dangers, accidents, or harmful situations.
To prevent loss of valuables.
To help a legal case.
Yara yara with red kalico, black kalico, dry food, massa, white kolanuts, Ceds (ghanian money).
Yara yara with white kalico, guinea fowl material, dry foods, mixed colored ring and Ceds (ghanian money).
Yara yara to a man beggar.
Yara yara to children.
This yara yara was done to help put the person in 1st position in a hiring process.
Elder Amaru praying over yara yara
Yara yara with fowl, cooked in shea butter and sprinkled with salt to be fed to children.
Yara yara with dry foods, red kola, and money.
Yara yara with dry foods, white kola, 1 spoiled red kola, money.
Yara yara of maasa to be eaten by children.
Yara yara was done with uncountable massa to have victory over the uncountable enemies in one’s life.
This type of yara yara has also been done to protect the uncountable members of one’s family.
This yara yara can also be prescribed for uncountable blessings to enter your life.
Yara yara given to man beggar
Yara yara being given to a man beggar.
Yara yara to twins.
Yara yara given to a man beggar.