“BLACK represents the light coming out of the dark!”
While this article can be read by anyone, I want to say upfront that this topic was, primarily, written for my "black, brown, and coppered-colored" brothers and sisters. In society, they are the ones who are negatively affected the most by skin color. Consciously and subconsciously, dark or black skin is viewed on the deepest levels as inferior, evil, bad, and therefore feared. We know that the color black in spiritual work has a bad reputation, but I believe that the same fears and self hate related to skin color has direct and indirect correlations to how my, brothers and sisters, view the color black in ritual work, as well. Read more and tell me what you think.
What is the truth about the color BLACK?
It is so weird how we accept definitions to words and concepts given to us without any question. Where did we leave our critical thinking and our natural ability to question? What happened to the inner perceptions of what things truly mean?
Let’s take the color black for instance. How was the color black depicted throughout history? As you can see from the paintings below, the color black was used in various arts or drawings to show people with not just brown or copper-colored skin but BLACK and near-BLACK skin.
The ancients painted what they saw in daily life and they purposely painted people in varying skin tones. This proves that there were all shades of darker skinned people all around the world.
So why would I be talking about skin color when this article is supposed to be about using black candles in spiritual ritual work?
The reason I want to talk about skin colour, first, is because the same false perceptions, mentalities and fears that surround the use of black candles are the same mentalities and fears that many "black" people hold about themselves and/or toward each other. However, when you educate yourself, the fears and false perceptions about self and each other begin to diminish or fall away all together.
Propagandist would have the masses of people believe that the color black is solely evil and diabolical. Through this kind of brainwashing, anyone or anything not "pale" or "white" in colour is viewed as less than, ugly, bad, or evil in some way. We see this today in the beauty market where darker skinned people, particularly women, are bleaching or lightening the melanin (pigmentation) out of their skin. They are showing self-hate and disdain for the color of their skin by pouring billions of dollars into the skin lightening industry. All around the world, many of the black, brown, and copper colored people do not know the power of their melanin.
Many are so disconnected from their true selves that they don't see that we are all witnessing the degradation of a people that was in play for thousands of years. A campaign ensued to slowly replace the power of "black" to the power of "white" in the minds of the people where lighter or whiter skin is better and more favored. The color black was etched into the minds of the people as bad/ugly but fortunately and slowly this mind-set is changing among conscious folks but it's not changing fast enough.
Melanin may power electronics
Did you know that darker skin (melanin) protects you from sun damage, age spots, and wrinkles? Did you know that darker skin (melanin) protects your DNA from damage and allows the body to absorb the UV light radiations that are needed by a variety of bodily functions and the production of Vitamin D?
Dark skin is what makes you God-like. Check out this excerpt from the "Science of Melanin":
“The key idea of the melanin scholars is that melanin, a widely distributed pigment in the natural world, found in all humans, has a number of extraordinary properties that are best manifested in black people. They claim that melanin is a superconductor, that it absorbs all frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum, that it can convert sound energy to light energy reversibly, and that it can function as a minicomputer to process information.
The word melanin derives from the Greek word melanos, meaning BLACK. We Afrikans, with our distinct racial features - blackness, curly hair, broad nose, thick lips, etc.- are really blessed with greatest gift from nature. The source of all this beauty is this precious life and chemical substance; Melanin.
We tend to easily fall into white people’s trap and contend ourselves accepting their simple definition about important issues that affect our lives, the same being the case with melanin. Their interpretation of melanin is as if its main activity [is the] pigmenting of our skin, and nothing else. It is true; of course, it does give us skin pigmentation, but it is not its only or main benefit.
All individuals having melanin in excellence, are blessed with the following capabilities: • 1- The ability to reach higher level of performance; as melanin enhances the entire efficiency of our being, • 2- The ability to maintain high energy level, in adverse condition.
Melanin is also what gives us intelligence. Ancients Afrikan mastered the universe to a very high level, they discovered that we, Afrikans, had an innate intelligence that could be measured as being equal to the geometrical angle of the earth = 360 degrees. They developed this intelligence in institutions such as the Mysteries Schools in Khamit (Egypt) and Nubia.
White people know all about melanin and what greatness it can produce. They feel as if it was a danger to them. If God is omnipotent, then melanin also has a mighty and unlimited power. It is hereditary and its power never vanishes. If our ancestors had this greatness in their genes then we, as their descendants, also have. All of our ancestors’ natural ingenuity and greatness is still in the genes.”
Did you know that science is proposing that the only thing faster than light is blackness? Light cannot escape black holes. Did you know that science is exploring the radio-protectiveness and self-restorative powers of melanin? Check out this article from "International Business Times":
“Sun bathers can now relax as new findings seek to unravel the radio-protective properties of melanin. Scientists are now probing melanin’s self-restorative and radio-protective properties for space science.
The impact of melanin on skin cancer has long been debated, despite knowledge that melanin is protective against sun’s damage, caused by visible and ultraviolet light impacts on the skin. As skin cancer gets linked to suntans and excessive exposure to sun, a new study on aspects of melanin’s radio-protective properties is seen as a breakthrough for future biomimetic material by scientists.
Over time, as melanin is bombarded with radiation and electrons are knocked away, you would expect to see the melanin become oxidized or bleached out, and lose its ability to provide protection, said Dr. Charles Turick, Science Fellow with SRNL, but that’s not what we’re seeing. Instead, the melanin continuously restores itself.
The research studied the self-restoration mechanism of melanin by demonstrating that melanin can receive electrons, countering oxidizing effects of the gamma radiation. The work showed, for the first time, that constant exposure of melanin to gamma radiation results in electric current production.”
I have never worn sunblock all because intuitively I knew I didn't need it. "White" and "pale" skinned people need sun block but not dark people. Melanin is so powerful that science is making protective gear from it.
Did you know that many white people are injecting themselves with melanin called melanotan?
You should research the power of melanin for yourself so that you can get a strong knowing in your mind about who you are on multiple levels. The excerpts and video are powerful because they can help one to see why there's a deep agenda to white-wash education which includes history and science; deliberately misleading the people about the powerful color of Black in all its facets. Researching for ourselves and looking into what things truly mean can help each one of us become stronger and more united. We must break the patterns of ignorance and mis-education. We must shift our psyche and stop falling for the propagandist technique of racism because this technique is only meant to keep us controlled, enslaved, divided and distracted by hating/fighting one another. The funny thing about racism is that it gives people a false sense of superiority, when in actuality we all have the same common enemy; the global "white" elite who are the only ones "truly" benefiting from the life cycle of racism and the continued brainwashing techniques of "white is right" or "white is better". Ask yourself, if Black or dark skinned people are so bad then why are white elitist paying billions of dollars in organ harvesting and the extraction of melanin in hopes to stay alive longer and stronger. I believe there may be some truth to the movie, "Get Out" with Daniel Kaluuya, where the consciousness of a white person was placed in the bodies of selected black people. It was an interesting scary movie.
dark you. Embrace your blackness, your brownness, or your copperness!
In spirituality, we see the same propaganda at work. When the "white/pale" skinned people are involved in any type of spirituality, they appear to be good or they're using it to protect themselves. However, when "copper-colored" or "dark-skinned" people practice spirituality they are negatively labeled and an "air" of suspicion immediately arises.
Although the color black has a bad reputation to most, the Ancient Egyptians viewed "black" as good and the color red as evil because it represents anger, bloodshed, rage, violence, and danger, which are all the attributes of the darkness and evil that dwell in people all around the world.
The truth of the matter is that they know the power that lives in the "black" man and "black" woman. Many of them want to be the
The truth is, every color can be beneficial as well as harmful depending on how it's used. Now let me get back to the color black in ritual work.
The color black represents the lack of color. It absorbs light and it is a color that belongs to the Earth element. However, in Chinese culture, it is believed to be a Water element. Black is a color that can absorb all energies both positive and negative. In many native american tribes the color black stands for stability, firmness, and a symbol of victory. In other groups of people, black is perceived as confidence, power, and strength. It has the ability to protect and conceal.
Black, the greatest mystery – the unknown. Too bad we cannot see the hidden workings in the blackness as this is where germination begins. In the blackness is where light emerges. You were born in the blackness of your mother's womb; how can this be bad? Things are created in the blackness. In blackness is where we go to find the truth – the answers that are not available in the light. Hiding in blackness is where you have your greatest advantage – the security of the dark brings comfort. You emerge from the blackness into the light when it is safe to do so. Black is the subconscious. When you want to know what lies in the deepest recesses of the mind or spirit, remember that black is the color that can take you there. To see what is hidden, let black take you in. If you want to protect yourself, let black provide the perfect cover. It is true that bad things hide in the dark but there are multitudes a great and good things that also live in blackness waiting to be discovered.
Black by nature absorbs and with this quality you can let go of all you want to get rid of. In the darkness, you strengthen all your other senses. If you take the light away – you are forced to trust yourself. Use black for ultimate stability and self control. It is extremely grounding. As black can create fear it can also diminish it. Black is power and extremely beautiful.
The color black in ritual or candle work is the most controversial color of all which is interesting do to the fact that many people are addicted to wearing the color. However, it can absorb energies around you that can be potentially harmful. For instance, a person who is operating from low energy, sadness, melancholy, or depression should not wear black because it will amplify the already bad feelings. On the positive side, the color can make people appear smaller and streamlined. It can hide unsightly things. It is considered a sheek and mystifying color. There is no fear in wearing black but when it comes to spiritual work many people are afraid of the color. The color black in rituals or candle magick has been wrongfully stigmatized. Yes, there is a negative side to the color black but there is a world of positive waiting to be discovered. What is also interesting and a point that is often left out is that all colors have a positive and negative side.
Black is a color that has been defined to be synonymous with darkness, dirty, sad, depressing, somber, mournful, death, disastrous, calamity, sinful, inhuman, fiendish, devilish, infernal, monstrous; atrocious, horrible; nefarious, treacherous, traitorous, villainous. The opposite is considered white, clean, or happy.
In candle and ritual work, the color black is a misunderstood color. “Black is void of all coloring, therefore it does not radiate or emit any vibrations of its own at all!” It only releases that which has been placed upon it. For example, a black candle is not evil unless you charge it with evil intentions. This is why people fear it so. However, if you charge a black candle with good intentions then that is what it will release, good intentions. It is a receptive color, it pulls inward. Another example, a person who is depressed and wears black will only get more depressed because the color itself will absorb similar negative energies to it and will attract more of the same from the environment around them. We already know many negative uses of how people use black candles in witchcraft, to cause harm and destruction, instead I would like to look at the positive uses and characteristics of the color black in ritual work:
Use black for deep meditation
Use for protection
Use to banish evil or negativity
Use to trap negative thought-forms coming from others
Use to get rid of nasty habits
Use when you need a miracle
Use to reveal hidden enemies, plots, or tricks
Use to reverse a situation from bad to good
Use for serious cleansing of the mind/heart or spiritual issues
Use if you feel blocked (example: if you feel your money blocked, you can burn a black candle to remove the blockage and to open the way.)
It can represent the deepest levels of the unconscious.
As an Earth element, you can burn a black candle the same way you burn a brown candle except the vibrations of black run much deeper. Interesting Note: In Chinese spiritual teachings, the color black is the only and true "water" element.
Black can be used for protection, binding negative forces, and breaking up obstacles and blockages. Black can also be used to reverse and break up negative thought forms. Black absorbs, conceals, or can create confusion and chaos. It is used for new beginnings or used to obtain knowledge of hidden things. Black is the container of light, and is one of the most powerful of colors. Black influences self-control, endurance, patience, grounding, and stability.
So here you have it. I hope that I have given you a new appreciation for the color Black, its meaning, and its power.
“To my black, brown, and coppered colored brothers and sisters, if you want to preserve your lineage then “blacken” your line instead of trying to “whiten” it.”