ancestor veneration definition

What is an Ancestor?

What is an ancestor or what is the definition of ancestor?  Traditionally “ancestors” are viewed as departed blood relatives: parents, children, grandparents, aunts, and uncles.  However, depending on the culture, the definition of ancestor has many meanings.  In some cultures, you cannot be considered an ancestor unless you have lived a good standing, morally correct life.  In other cultures, women are not considered ancestors at all.  However and generally speaking for most, “ancestor veneration” or “ancestor worship” (meaning to maintain an on-going relationship with those who have departed) is not only a tradition shared amongst our Afrikan brothers and sisters, but the concept has existed through almost every known culture including various parts of Afrika, the Pacific, South American, Indonesia, certain parts of India and Indochina, even among those of Islamic or Christian faiths.

Even Jewish people have been known to light candles and say special prayers honoring their family member’s anniversary of death.  And in celebration of All Soul’s Day, many honor the dead by putting gifts, flowers and food on the graves of their family members for it is believed that once death occurs, the physical body is left to decay and the soul transits into the realm of spirit where such spirit continues to live as an ancestor or a spirit guide.  In many instances, the living will leave money, clothes, animals, and messages at grave sites of their deceased relatives in hopes that the deceased might use these things on their journey.  In addition, many cultures will honor the dead with festivals, drumming, singing, dancing, and drinking for it is believed that to honor our ancestors is to honor our lineage and our roots and this is the first step to reclaiming our spiritual heritage.  Therefore, the ancestors are consulted for guidance, prayed to, venerated with rituals and are given offerings for their continued influence on the living by helping them to resolve their day-to-day problems.

Because so many cultures, primarily outside of the United States, believe that the invisible world plays such an enormous part in everyday life, it is custom and is extremely important to pay a great deal of attention to the dead and the ancestral family.  I think we all can agree that death is a universal fact and is the inevitable end of all human life.  However, in many cultures, life does not just end there.  The soul continues on, just, in another form (spirit) and in another world.  It is also believed by many that the dead are reborn into family members so that they can finish whatever business they were not able to finish while on earth and for these reasons a great deal of concern, care, time, and money is spent on proper burial rites.  From the preparation of the body all the way through to the prayers, ceremonies, and sacrifices given to help ensure that the deceased is satisfied and appeased for an easy transition from the land of the living to the land of the dead.  For it is believed that if proper funeral rites are not performed for the deceased, the spirit of the dead person will become a ghost to roam the world without peace, lost and confused with the abilities to harm and haunt people and relatives until it gains attention and proper acknowledgment of the proper burial rights, prayers, offerings, or ceremonies that will bring contentment to its soul.

In Afrika, the ancestors are called “egungun” and they, too, believe in the continued existence of the ancestors in the life of the living.  They believe that there is a link between the dead and the living and that the egungun represents ancestral spirits that periodically return from heaven to visit and commune with the living during a 7-day festival where honor is given and sacrifices are offered at shrines specifically set for the ancestor spirits.

How important is ancestor reverence?  Let's see, try to put yourself in the shoes of your ancestors.  If you were an ancestor and your family members and friends were to just forget about you, how would you feel?  If you were alone, lost, and confused in the spirit realm and there was no one person praying for you or giving you light so that you could find your way, what would you do?  If you wanted to save someone or help them to better their lives and they just ignored your messages, would you give up?  If you wanted forgiveness or just wanted know that you were still loved, and there was no one to show you some attention and your efforts was ignored, wouldn’t you feel alone and abandoned?  And God forbid, but, if you were ill and approaching death or you died suddenly, how important would it be to you that someone, even if one person, were to remember you?

Ancestor veneration is important because your ancestor’s memories continue to live inside of you, flowing through your blood.  Their memories, over time, become etched into your DNA.  These memories in many cases will continue to manifest (show up) in your life whether for good or bad.  What is deemed good or bad will depend on the issue or circumstance that is influencing you or your family.  Many people do not realize that their suffering or good fortune in many cases is a direct result of their ancestor’s past thoughts, behaviors and/or actions.  Simply put — just because a family member dies doesn’t mean that their energies are forever gone.

For instance:  if the ancestor was a great person, their good energies will continue to flow through the living family spreading goodness.  But if the ancestor lived a troublesome life, their bad energies could negatively impact an entire generation.   Sometimes an ancestor’s power (influence) is so strong that it could operate against your will — for better or worse.  In some cases, the ancestor’s interference can appear too bad or a hindrance but in actuality, the ancestor may be trying to protect you from an ill fate.   This is very common in issues of money where many of our ancestors believed strongly that “money is the root of all evil”.  In this case, the ancestor will block your money believing that they are saving you from some type of ill fate, devastation, heartache, or problems attached to having money.  Of course there are many reasons why your money could be blocked especially if the negative energy is coming from your own thinking but if your ancestor believes “mo’ money – mo’ problems” and that people get hurt over money, then they will block your cash flow for fear that you may suffer in some way.  In cases like this, you could opt to commune regularly with your ancestors asking them to bring blessings, explaining to them what your plans are for having money.  You could also ensure them that they do not have to worry because you are responsible and safe, that you will not brag or boast, and that you have protective measures in place for being able to store large sums of money, etc.  There are other ways to unblock the ancestors using traditional or modern methods but is just a simple hypothetical example.

Because the ancestors have such powerful influence over the living, you can see why many cultures find it important to honor the ancestors and why they place so much emphasis on maintaining a positive relationship with the ancestor spirits.  You can also see why ancestral healing would be extremely important for healing family and community dysfunction.


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Ancestor Veneration

Many people have heard of honoring one’s ancestors, but what does this really mean?  There is such a deeper and more beautiful meaning to ancestor or spirit veneration than what one may think of from all the other broader and inferior meanings that we have been led to believe.  For one, ancestor veneration in many cases has been associated with voodoo, hoodoo, juju or some kind of craft that pertains to witchery.  In other instances, many people have felt an association with guilt or uncomfortable honoring their ancestors and spirits with candles and such, for they think that they are engaging in something wrong, however, this is so far from the truth that it is disheartening.

It is fact that our ancestors believed in life after death.  They believed that death was a continuation of life, just in another world – the invisible world.  From an African prospective, ancestor veneration served many purposes.  For one, many societies of Africa believed that the deceased not only needed proper funeral, burial, and cleansing rites but it was also very important that the deceased be freed or released from all bad deeds.  In these instances, friends, and relatives would gather around the body at the grave site and each person would recount all the bad deeds that the deceased did during their lifetime and after listening to all the misdeeds, they would all announce that they have forgiven him/her since he/she is now dead.

If the deed or the debt was financial in nature, a surviving family member would offer to pay off the debt.  This was all done to ensure a smooth and easy transition from the land of the living to the realm of spirit.  For it was the belief that since the deceased was totally cleansed and freed from bad deeds, he/she would have no other reason to linger in the lower realms to haunt or cause chaos amongst its’ family members or community.  On the contrary, the spirit would be happy and free to ascend to higher realms of obtaining supernatural powers that could be accessed and bestowed upon the family and the community during periodic spiritual visits from the deceased that would provide blessings, protection, long life, prosperity, good harvest, fertility, or whatever the desires, prayers and requests were from those still in the living.  Death was not only to morn, but it was a celebration of SPIRIT of continued life; a festive time of drumming, singing, dancing, drinking and eating – all to honor the dead for it is believed that to honor the ancestors is to honor your lineage, your culture, your roots and your self and is the first step to reclaiming your spiritual heritage.  Therefore, the ancestors were and still are to this day consulted by many for guidance, prayed to, venerated with rituals and are given offerings for their continued influence on the living by helping them to resolve their day-to-day problems.

It is my belief and my experience that there are lots of potential consequences for not giving proper ceremonial/death/funeral rites to the deceased or continuing to venerate them no matter what they did or did not do in life.  One of the consequences that we now suffer as a people is that we have become lost in so many ways, no thanks to colonization.  Slavery and the enforcement of Catholicism by Catholic missionaries almost totally succeeded in the annihilation of ancient traditional ceremonial ways through torture and every abuse unimaginable.  The breakdown of the family unit throughout slavery, especially for Black Americans, is so traumatic that it has affected millions of us on a cellular level even on the spiritual levels of death and birth (see the William Lynch Speech).  The breakdown and dysfunctions of the family structure has caused a ripple effect that has spilled over into the community, into greater society, and now even the world at large.  The curse of slavery still haunts many.  How are we going to save ourselves?  We may no longer be physically enslaved except for those jailed, but many of us are still mentally, emotionally, and financially enslaved!  We now have a dysfunctional living society that eventually turns into a dysfunctional deceased spirit society and who’s going to clean up the mess?  We are talking about a once strong community of cultural people who were almost totally annihilated over a four hundred plus year span from abuse, oppression, torment, and unjustifiable deaths.  What happened to all that bad energy?  In those times, who was going to perform the proper funeral, burial, and cleansing rites for all those dead souls?  How were they going to ensure that those unhappy and angry souls did not linger close to cause havoc on the world for all their sufferings?  Unfortunately, the answer was no one!  Our ancestors had major problems to deal with in just trying to survive day by day in an unfamiliar land and the dead, unfortunately in most cases became just a cherished memory.

Now, today there are millions of individuals who are raised in some congregation indoctrinated with man-made doctrines or Christian beliefs, whether Baptist, Methodist, A.M.E., Lutheran, Pentecostal, or Catholic but have now grown to adulthood somehow feeling as if there is something else calling to their soul.  One reason is that the traditions of the ancestors are deeply embedded in our blood, coded in our DNA, and is apart of our soul.  And the concept of church derived from those old ancestral traditions for which many of us can still feel the calling.  The slaves formed their own idea of “church” from cleverly orchestrating special meetings gathered either in the denseness of the woods or pretending to have “church”, in this way keeping the “Masta” in the dark, allowing themselves to discreetly and safely practice their traditions in hiding.  While attending these special meetings, they were able to create songs encoded with secret messages, maintain devotion and receive spirit messages through preaching, lying on of hands and receiving a form of spirit possession that involved shouting, dancing, and speaking in foreign languages better known as “speaking in tongues”.  Today, many view this as a manifestation of receiving the Holy Ghost.  However, these old African spirituals, rituals and traditions, concepts of nature, spirit and ancestor veneration is fighting to survive but through our DNA.  And because of such, you can sense that something else is calling to your spirit outside of all the conveniences and comforts that modern day society has awarded you.  And even with the freedom that science and technology has provided as a society, you are increasingly unhappy, increasingly unsatisfied and even more unfulfilled than your predecessors could ever imagine.  For many of you, it is a feeling of incompleteness and an emptiness that at one time or another you thought you could escape by using alcohol or drugs, or by obtaining wealth, sex, power, marriage, family, or love from some other individual whether it be the opposite or same sex.  You know that you live in a perverted society that is plagued with sexual overtones, famine, disease, crime, and illness.  The family structure is breaking down, communities are breaking down and even the earth is breaking down.  Though people surround you, still you feel lost, confused and alone.  You reach out, but you see nothing, you feel nothing.  You search for answers, for solutions – but nothing.  No one can help and you try everything physical and material within your power, but the void is still there.  Even with all of this, you continue to feel that something is calling to your spirit sending you on a path-finding journey of fulfillment.

Now, to answer the call of the spirit, the inner guide, many people are broadening their beliefs and education of spiritual systems from around the world.  And many do not understand or realize that it is the SOUL that is searching for THE spiritual home that will bring it peace.  With the help of the Ancestors, one can now find that peace or at least work toward the inner peace that their soul can call home.